I am a college student who, in my first year living in an apartment discovered the wonderful world of baking. Having an accessible kitchen on hand is the source of my ever growing curiosity with food. It's not that I never had access to my kitchen at home, but you may to relate to my feeling of unease in a kitchen that's not mine. My mom may not blatantly declare it her territory, but I get a sense that it is – she notices a missing slice of bread for crying out loud. I guess that's the power of being a mother; they've got mental inventories of the food stock. One day I will be like that, I'm sure. For now, I'll do most of my baking in my kitchen. Let's face it, I'm just a college student who finds time out of her busy schedule to do something she enjoys. When the stress piles up with looming exams and I’m huddled in front of my computer exhausted from studying, I’ll look for recipes to try out. Baking is my instant light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel kind of go-to source. I'm a beginner baker in all senses of the word. My baking repertoire is meager - mostly cookies but with the occasional cake or two. I remain cautious in attempting new recipes, sticking to those that I can accomplish with my pint-size selection of baking gadgets, or the lack there of - I've got only one mixing bowl, no hand mixer - but that's nothing a little elbow grease can't fix. I have a great time in the kitchen and I am chartering new territory every day.